Fairy Original Washing Up Liquid 320ml

Product ID: 49025

Home / O'Day Brothers Irish Grocery - Since 1839
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Every drop of Fairy Washing Up Liquid provides the ultra long lasting cleaning power you expect for your washing up. Its concentrated formula cuts through tough grease instantly giving you brilliant clean dishes. No wonder Fairy Original is the gold standard of washing up liquids. Fairy original washing up liquid is so concentrated that you only need to use a drop without efforts: no soaking, no grease, no fuss.
320 ml

  • Concentrated formula cuts through grease instantly giving a neat clean
  • Efficient cleaning, cleans greasy leftover food completely
  • Gentle on your skin, no need to wear rubber gloves
  • Ultra long lasting suds from every drop
  • No soaking, no grease, no fuss
Product Code: 49025


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