Irish County Tartan Fabric 8 oz

Product ID: 49029

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Irish County Tartan Fabric: limitless possibilities! Make your dream creations a reality by using your Irish County’s Tartan. There is a unique tartan for each of the 32 Irish Counties, in addition to the Irish National Tartan. A few Irish clans have their own tartan as well. 

It is made from 100% pure new wool 8 oz ultra fine plain weave worsted fabric. This lighter weight is perfect for flowing skirts, craft projects, ties, sashes, drapery, and tailored items (jackets, vests, etc). Sold by the yard, 54″ wide.

  • Perfect for flowing skirts, craft projects, ties, sashes, drapery, and tailored items
  • Made from 100% pure new wool 8 oz ultrafine plain weave worsted fabric
  • A unique tartan for each of the 32 Irish Counties
Product Code: 49029


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