Me Nan Me Auntie's Cat and The Leprechaun Book

Product ID: 53591

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Another book in a series of Nan stories. This does not disappoint as author David McNiven and illustrator Margaret Anne Suggs take on a wonderful and exciting journey with Mick the Leprechaun, Ginger the Cat, Aunt Bridie, and Nan. Mick got it wrong again as Aunt Bridie wished for her own leprechaun but got Ginger the cat instead. To her surprise Ginger is part Leprechaun too, and much better at wishes than Mick. The book's illustrations will captivate you even if you do not believe in leprechauns.

  • Illustrations of the book are colorful and captivating
  • A pleasurable book to view for all ages
  • A great gifting option for children
Product Code: 53591


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